
Fixing nonexistent problems


Table of Contents

About me

Hi, I'm sefidel (sef).

My main interests are low-level systems, compilers, distributed computing, microservices and security.

Feel free to contact me on Matrix (preferred) or email! I'm also on IRC as sefidel (Libera, OFTC).

Most of my works can be found on exotic.sh git, GitHub, and on SourceHut.


I mainly use MacBook Air M1 (2020) for development, as my NixOS workstation's CPU cooler is currently defunct.

I use Nix for my system configuration, and my nixrc can be found here. You should be able to find configurations for most of the software I use there.

My favourite choice of text editor is Neovim, and the configuration for it can be found here. It's not managed with Nix, since Nix doesn't have decent Lua config support (yet). Plus, I sometimes have to use this configuration on non-nix systems. If you're going to use this configuration, keep in mind that it looks best with a bitmap font like Dina.